Philip Bolger

Independent Non-Executive

Formidion Philip Bolger

Phil is among the most experienced professionals in the aircraft leasing industry and has 40+ years of experience in the sector.

Phil has worked extensively in leadership positions covering aircraft acquisitions, financing, operations, accounting, marketing and sales, risk management, strategic planning, business integration, people management, M&A activity, ABS issuances and, more recently, restructuring.

His distinguished career commenced in the 1981 at Guinness Peat Aviation (GPA) where he rose to be the Deputy CEO of its leasing business and a member of its Executive Committee.

Phil also previously served as Head of Marketing, Risk and Operations at GECAS and RBS Aviation (now SMBC) and has held senior leadership positions with Pembroke (COO & CEO), Spectrum Capital and Aldus Aviation (Executive Chairman).

He was on the boards of Aviareto, Solitair Capital and Aldus Aviation. Aldus was acquired by Nordic Aviation Capital in 2016, where he served in global marketing and marketing operations leadership roles and as advisor to the Chairman.

From January 2021 to June 2022 Phil served on the board of NAC as it navigated a deep restructuring though an Irish Scheme of Arrangement and ultimately US Chapter II.